christ666's Diaryland Diary


07 Mission Statement pt 2

Continuing where I left off, I also hate:

Heartburn: It's stupid, it hurts, it causes infections. It's weak, and now I have to take three different prescriptions for it. Lame. I am Jack's acid reflux.

Football: I just hate it. It can eat shit.

and finally: My fax machine at work. Fucker goes off every 5 minutes, and everytime I hear that ringing tone, I seriously want to place a few shotguns into my mouth, and desperately try and squeeze all triggers. This job is a fucking hole.

So, with this sort of "Mission Statement" (ha, I'm so lame) I figured I can kind of talk about what I would like do have done this year. Not resolutions mind you. Fuck resolutions. Nobody keeps them, and it looks like I'm a couple weeks late anyhow. But, this is what I'd like to see throughout the remaining 345 days.

I'd like to remain smokeless. I've been off for a week, after another two month run, which was preceded by a three month wagon ride. This h. pylori infection I have is severely aggrevated by the smoking, so I suppose if I stop the smokin', it might help me out some.

I'd also like to finish my first draft of this new script. It would really be a testament to what I want to do with my life, and hopefully won't be just another disappointing infatuation that just fades away. Anyone who reads this, or knows me personal, can recognize what I'm talking about.

Perhaps, save a dollar or two? I spend like Sharon Stone in Casino, fucking whore. If I'm not working on my DVD collection, or buying food for hibernation, I'm spending it all on shit I probably don't need. So, let's cut it out a bit, huh?

Everyone wants to lose weight, but it never seems like anyone is getting thinner. I don't want to lose weight. I'm happy the size I am, and don't really feel like getting smaller. But, maybe healthier wouldn't be too bad, but it's certainly not top of the list.

Lastly, maybe a show... with Elegy, or with something new. Just something to get my groove out. It's hard having nobody to jam with. I miss it. I miss like I miss Large Pepperoni Pizzas from Great Western. Oh man, that sounds so choice.

Maybe just a side agenda plan thing. I would like to read a book from Nietzsche. That guy was kinda crazy. Which is funny because he had a mental breakdown before he died. Hahaha, that's comedy! "A nihilist is a man who judges of the world as it is that it ought not to be, and of the world as it ought to be that it does not exist. According to this view, our existence (action, suffering, willing, feeling) has no meaning: the pathos of 'in vain' is the nihilists' pathos�at the same time, as pathos, an inconsistency on the part of the nihilists." I mean come on!

I had this fabulous chicken parmesean and spaghetti at this little hole in the wall italian joint called Paesanos. I mean, a real mom and pop tiny restaraunt. And fucking delicious too. Definetely a new fave. And believe me, food in Texas sucks.

You know what's really interesting to talk about? Time travel. I remember in high school, in my junior, we were doing something in class... having to do with the seniors and speech and debate. One of those fellows had a speech on the possibilities of time travel. His theory, although actually bullshit, was fun and interesting to listen to. Nobody talks about time travel anymore. And frankely, I'm quite sad about that. Maybe I'll make a film about time travel, excluding a De Lorean, Huey Lewis and the News (although who can't get enough of Huey?) and Einstein. Maybe something that would creep you the fuck out.

He was talking about the wormholes in space and how traveling from one point to another actually tears a rip in the space time continuum and therefore allows you to travel into the future. You spend a certain amount of time in this wormhole, and time goes by much slower according to those outside of it. So that when the astronauts, or whomever finally pass through the wormhole, they've fallen into a future where they've barely aged physically. But the physics of it didn't make sense, and so therefore, he didn't win any nobel prizes. Hmm.. so close. But when was the last time someone just blurted out of nowhere, "If I had a vessel powerful enough I can tear past the Alcubierre metric?" Think about it.

Die Hard was an excellent movie. Die Hard 2: Die Harder, just as good. Die Hard with a Vengence; fantastic. A new movie is coming, which puts John McClaine against internet terrorists. "Live Free or Die Hard". ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? What will we do?

I'm excited however. 2007 looks like a great year for flicks. Spidey, TMNT, um... Fantastic Four? 300, Ghost Rider. Gonna be a good year for comics.

Well, I guess I'm trailing now, and I'm certainly not getting much more interesting. Leave some notes or entries in the ol' guestehbookoh. And, in the words of The Dancing Brothers:
"Gonna have a good time tonight, Gonna have a real good time tonight!"


2:50 a.m. - 2007-01-20


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