christ666's Diaryland Diary


DMB ripoff

Earlier this week after Sophie left for school, I decided to switch things up with the toddlers and tried to get a little more of their energy spent by trying some kids yoga. It took some youtube searching, but I was able to find a little ten minute video that got Lucas, Zelda, and me to try some simple stretches and yoga poses. Fuck, it is insanely adorable to watch a three year old and a near two year old try and achieve a half moon pose.

I can’t stop thinking, and yet I think about nothing. I’ve been going through that same gloom I described earlier in the year, where I don’t have a whole lot of creativity going on. I keep thinking I should start writing Mortal songs to get the ball rolling, but I lack the ambition or creative spirit to do so.

I wish there was more to update from this past month, but most of it has just been spent keeping up with the kids, hanging out with Heather, and occasionally jamming with the cover band.

Learning the White Zombie songs for Imposter Syndrome has been relatively easy, and yet I seem to be the only one that has the songs mostly down. It leaves me wanting a lot more from our practices when there isn’t much of a musical challenge for me and I have to work at the rest of the guys’ pace. I wish I could say that Eric has improved at his guitars, but unfortunately it’s only proven more frustrating. He still refuses to practice the songs at home, and it’s still a struggle hearing myself play through all of his mistakes.

He was an hour late to our last practice, which gave me the opportunity to hear the first three songs off the setlist with just my own guitar, and holy christ… I wish I had recorded it because it sounded like how it was supposed to. It honestly made the rest of the guys sound better too. Then Eric showed up right before Creature of the Wheel, and the quality took a significant dive.

Part of me wants to confront Eric and tell him it feels disrespectful that while I’m sacrificing my time and sleep so that I can come to practice rehearsed and prepared, only for him to show up and drag things down because he can’t be bothered to sit down next to his amp for 30 minutes on his own time. Part of me also feels like I should leave that to Neal since the band is really his baby.

I don’t know.

Eric asked if I wanted to start double jamming with Mortal or MSA again, but to my own surprise I said I just wanted to focus on Imposter for the next couple of months until the show, because I hoped to have Mortal start hitting it hard during the winter, and that I didn’t want to waste time with MSA if we were just going to get together to relearn the same song that we recorded for an album five years ago. Not to mention, we were practicing earlier in the year, but that seemed to get derailed when Charlie started playing more gigs with his projects.

In two weeks, I’ll be heading to Seattle with Heather to visit Steve and Randal. The last time Heather saw Steve was when she was seven years old when she used to be tag along with her older sister Becky to our band’s practices back in high school. Heather unfortunately has firsthand experience with Elegy, my shitty Dave Matthews ripoff group that performed a few high school solo nights or local gigs. Steve played bass and Becky played violin, with yours truly responsible for adequate guitar playing and dreadful nasally vocals. Needless to say, I’m anxious to see how deprecating this reunion will be.

I constantly feel guilty when I get on this site but can’t find myself to write anything substantial. Maybe I need to get back to writing some sexy anecdotes to help keep things fresh and interesting. There was a period of time when I’d find pen pals off of Reddit whose sole interest was collaborative smut writing. I’m pretty sure I’ve written a novel’s worth of sex scenes with a few different writing partners, and part of it was creatively fulfilling, believe it or not. I don’t think I’ve ever done more research on colloquialisms for fucking.

Maybe inspiration will come…

5:03 a.m. - 2023-09-12


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